Thursday, September 03, 2015

Maggie's Hammer: Arms Sales, Arms Bribes, Wars, Refugee Crisis

The radio interviews continue. This week, I also begin my pre-planned Twitter campaign in the UK to raise awareness of the book's contents in the run-up to the various national political conferences which are held each year in early October.

The headlines in the UK are currently overwhelmed by the refugee crisis, as thousands flee the wars in Africa and the Middle East, to find some semblance of hope in Europe.

I am still hopelessly quill pen. 140 characters almost defeats me. But, since my book is essentially about arms bribes going to senior politicians in the UK. As I sit here in the comfort of my air-conditioned apartment in the US. Horrified by the pictures of death and distress the other side of the world. I find 140 characters more than enough space to send my message:

"Arms bribes to British politicians. Arms sales, arms bribes, wars, refugee crisis. #RefugeesWelcome #RefugeesNotMigrants #StopGreed"

[Well. Maybe more than 140. I tailor. My thanks to my sister Maggi for really driving this point home. She will forever be a better humanitarian than me.]