Friday, May 08, 2015

Ed Balls Election Night

Ed Balls picked to be Labour's primary spin doctor from 10.00pm on, after the UK polls close? Bad choice. This is where dynamics take over from numbers.

Balls was Miliband's boss when both worked for Gordon Brown. Balls screwed Brown during negotiations with Liberal Democrats in 2010. Balls has been murmuring about Labour's legitimacy if they are the second largest party. His wife, Yvette Cooper, will be one of the prime candidates in any leadership election to replace Miliband.

My guess? Balls will knife Miliband. Subtly. Sometime between midnight and 1.00am, Balls will mutter something about Labour's difficult position. And will then spend the rest of the night underlining the political assassination of Miliband, by loudly denying what he has inferred.

All the while maintaining an innocently evil expression of surprise on that cherubic face. As he consigns Miliband's chances of forming a government to a carefully-prepared dustbin. Just in time for Cameron's early Friday announcement of a Tory victory.

Your enemies are always closer than your friends ...